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SUMIFS function: Wildcards *

The SUMIFS function can also Sum multiple criteria with matches that are similar but not exact.  This... read more

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John Michaloudis
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The SUMIFS function can also Sum multiple criteria with matches that are similar but not exact.  This can be done with the wildcards * and ?

So if you have John, Paul and Ringo in your Sales Rep list and want to select just John and Ringo, then you would use “*o*” criteria.  This means that any name that contains the letter o will be included in your sum.

SUMIFS function: Wildcards * | MyExcelOnline
download workbookSumIfs-Wildcards.xlsx


Here are more examples of how the wildcard characters work:

* Returns any series of characters before/after the asterisk
Begins with… Glo* Globex Corporation
Globo Gym American Corp
Ends with… *tech Initech
Contains… *inc* Acme, inc.
Demo, inc.
Incom Corporation
Input, Inc.
Sample, inc
? Returns text that contains one variable
Contains… a?c ABC Telecom
Monarch Playing Card Co.
Sombra Corporation
Spade and Archer



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John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship Academy Online Course.

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