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Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot

  Have you gotten overwhelmed with the amount of Tables whenever you used Power Pivot? As I... read more

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Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline


Have you gotten overwhelmed with the amount of Tables whenever you used Power Pivot?

As I got accustomed to Power Pivot, my data model expanded and the number of relationships connecting these Tables together grew to a larger amount.

Fortunately, Power Pivot has the Diagram View feature, which gives you a birds eye view of your entire data model.

What we will focus on is a simple example of two Excel Tables: a Name Table and a Sales Table.

Linking Excel Tables in Power Pivot

The crucial thing here is the relationship between these two tables. The ID column of the Sales Table related to the ID column of the Name Table.

You can see that each employee is uniquely identified by the ID number, which is also used in the Sales Table.

To make this example easy to understand, we have already linked these Tables to our Data Model, and we have already setup the necessary relationship between these two Tables.

*** You can view the exact step-by-step tutorial of how this was done here: Linking Excel Tables in Power Pivot.


Now you can download the prepared workbook and follow the steps to see how you too can use the Diagram View easily:

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline

download excel 2013 or 2016 workbook Diagram-View.xlsx

download excel 2010 workbook Diagram-View-Excel-2010.xlsx


STEP 1: Open the Power Pivot Window.  Go to Power Pivot > Manage.

(For Excel 2010, go to PowerPivot > PowerPivot Window)

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


STEP 2: This will open Power Pivot Window.  Your two Tables will already be loaded there.

Names Sheet:

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


Sales Sheet:

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


STEP 3: Go to Design > Manage Relationship.

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


The Relationship between the Sales Table and Name Table should be there:


Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


EXCEL 2013 & 2010 VIEW:

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot

Close out of this.


STEP 4: Go to Home> Diagram View.

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot


You are now shown an easy to read Diagram representing your Data Model and its relationships:


Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot

EXCEL 2010 & 2013 VIEW:

Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot





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Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline
Using the Diagram View in Power Pivot | MyExcelOnline

Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  How to Clean and Transform Data Using Power Query in Excel

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