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Stacked Column Chart: Compare Contributions

The Stacked Column chart is used in Excel to compare the contribution of a value to a... read more

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John Michaloudis
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Stacked Column Chart: Compare Contributions | MyExcelOnline

The Stacked Column chart is used in Excel to compare the contribution of a value to a Total.

For example, if you want to show the North & South sales for the last 5 years then this is the chart for you as I explain below.

NB: If you are using Years as your first column then you need to convert these to text by entering the apostrophe ‘ before the year.  If not, then it will simply include the Year value as part of the Totals.

Stacked Column Chart: Compare Contributions | MyExcelOnline
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Helpful Resource:

Clustered Bar Chart: Year to Date Sales


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Stacked Column Chart: Compare Contributions | MyExcelOnline

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