“If you are an advanced Excel user, you will benefit a company and add from day one. You should be learning something new every day, and that is why I signed up for the academy and why I continue with it.”

Jerri’s Results

  • Moving from an intermediate to advanced user
  • Now trains team members in Excel skills
  • Saves time with advanced functions of Excel
  • Gained a confidence boost

How MyExcelOnline helped Jerri become more efficient

  • A clear progression from beginner to advanced in the online academy
  • Flexible, self-paced learning
  • Constantly updated course material
  • Highly skilled tutors to help you improve

What challenges did you have using Excel?

My name is Jerri Van Hoose, and I am currently working as an accounting manager for a technology company in Melbourne, Florida.

I had been to a few free webinars for MyExcelOnline before I went ahead and signed up for the monthly program.

When I was recruited into my current position, I needed some extra training in Excel. We are working out of an Access database, so now I’m much more hands-on.

I tested my skills and found I was at an intermediate level, but I’m getting more advanced. I need to spend more time on the course, but already I am training people on my staff.

I have a staff of six accountants that report to me, and they are all at various levels of Excel.

What was your Eureka moment?

We are dealing with a lot of onsite jobs, which we call ‘calls’, and I would have rows and rows and rows of data that I need to know.

Previously, I entered a call into our system and confirmed whether it was a new call. VLOOKUP is very helpful for comparing numbers between lists.

Before I was comfortable doing this, I was lining the lists up next to each other in ascending order and scanning for those that didn’t match!

Of course, you can do a formula of subtracting them, but still, we’re talking thousands of lines of data. The VLOOKUP function does that whole task instantly, and that was a real eureka moment for me.

How did MyExcelOnline help you?

I know some of these ladies on my team do not have the Excel skills they need, especially with pivot tables. When you say pivot table sounds intimidating and, they’re like, “Oh no, I can’t do that.

When you show them how easy it is, their confidence gets a big boost. As a manager, it is imperative to me that people on my team feel confident in what they’re doing.

Even as an adult, you give yourself a little pat on the back when you learn a new skill. “Hey, I can do that now.” And that’s another tool in their toolbox.

Would you recommend MyExcelOnline?

Yes, I think MyExcelOnline is good value. As an accountant, I would definitely say that.