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Custom Date Formats in Excel

John Michaloudis
Custom Date Formats in Excel.
Custom date formats in Excel allow you to display only certain parts of the date.

Custom Date Formats in Excel

Custom date formats in Excel allow you to display only certain parts of the date.

Say you had a date of 18/02/1979, which coincides to be my birthday 🙂

You can use the Format Cells dialogue box to show only the number 18, the day that corresponds to that date (Sunday), the month as a number on in abbreviated form and the year in two or four digits.

You cam also mix and match to create a custom date format or even enter a custom text that would show something like: Today is Sunday

You can download the following workbook which shows you the different formats that you can use and see the tutorial below of how this can be easily achieved.

Download workbookNumber-Formats-Dates.xlsx

STEP 1: To see how the formatting works, pick any one on the table. Then press CTRL + 1 to open the Format Cells Dialog.

Custom Date Formats in Excel

STEP 2: Over here you can see the Custom Date Format used, in our example, it’s mmmm-yyyy and there is a sample of February-1979 at the top to show you how it looks like.

Try it out for the different formats!

Custom Date Formats in Excel

Here is the list of codes that you can use:

m Displays the month as a number 18/02/1979 2
mm Displays the month as a number with leading zeros 18/02/1979 02
mmm Displays the month in abbreviated form 18/02/1979 Feb
mmmm Displays the month in full form 18/02/1979 February
mmmmm Displays the first letter of the month 18/02/1979 F
d Displays the day as a number 18/02/1979 18
dd Displays the day as a number with leading zeros 01/02/1979 01
ddd Displays the day in abbreviated form 18/02/1979 Thu
dddd Displays the day in full form 18/02/1979 Thursday
yy Displays the last two digits of the year 18/02/1979 79
yyyy Displays all the digits of the year 18/02/1979 1979
mmmm d, yyyy Displays the month, the date and the year 18/02/1979 February 18, 1979
mmmm-yyyy Displays the month-year 18/02/1979 February-1979
“Today is” dddd Displays a custom text for the Today function 11/06/2015 Today is Thursday
h Displays the hour as a number 9:55:13 9
hh Displays the hour as a number with leading zeros 9:55:13 09
AM/PM Displays the hour indicating AM or PM 9:55:13 AM


Make sure to download our FREE PDF on the 333 Excel keyboard Shortcuts here:

Custom Date Formats in Excel | MyExcelOnline

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John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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