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How to Easily Install Excel Add-ins

Sometimes, you want to customize a sheet a certain way. You could do this by setting up... read more

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John Michaloudis
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How to Easily Install Excel Add-ins | MyExcelOnline How to Easily Install Excel Add-ins | MyExcelOnline

Sometimes, you want to customize a sheet a certain way. You could do this by setting up VBA Macros, but that could be time-consuming. If you want a specialized tool to complete specific actions quickly, installing and using an Excel Add-In is the best way to do it. Much like apps on your phone, these tools provide specialized functions. The good news is: most Excel Add-Ins are free-of-charge, or have free trials and can be downloaded on the internet. In this article, we will show you how to easily install Excel Add-ins.

Let us look at each of these methods in detail.

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Installing an Add-in Through the Excel Ribbon

Let’s say we have data on some of the world’s largest companies and their employee population. We want to quickly create a visual reference that will display this information. There are plenty of Excel Add-ins we can utilize for data visualization. There are basically two ways to install and use an Add-in in Excel. Let’s start with the most straightforward method:

Got to the Home tab in the Excel Main Ribbon.

In the Add-Ins group, click on Add-ins.

Install Excel Add-in

From here, you can choose from the most Popular Add-ins.

Install Excel Add-in

Click on the Add-ins group, then Store. This will take you to the Office Add-ins Store.

Browse or search for the add-in you want, then click on it. In our case, we will search for the People Graph Add-in.

Install Excel Add-in

Click on Add to install the Add-in.

Install Excel Add-in

Confirm, then click on Continue.

Install Excel Add-in

As you can see, you will be given the option to customize the functions and appearance of the Add-in.

Install Excel Add-in

Click on the Add-in window. A cog icon will appear, indicating access to the Settings.

Select the Table icon to incorporate your data.

Highlight your data and click Create.

Install Excel Add-in

As you can see, the Add-in has helped us create a quick illustration of the data.

Install Excel Add-in

Installing Third-Party Add-ins

Go to the website of the Add-in maker. In our example, we will go to

Click on Download Now to download it to your computer.

Install Excel Add-in

Locate the downloaded file in your computer and extract.

Install Excel Add-ins

Double-click on the file to Open.

Accept the License Agreement and Install the file.

Install Excel Add-ins

Install Excel Add-ins

Click on the File tab in Excel. Select Options. Go to Add-ins on the left.

Select Manage at the bottom, then select Excel Add-ins. Click Go.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click the Browse button.

Install Excel Add-ins

Locate the downloaded file on your computer.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click OK to install.

Install Excel Add-ins

Confirm that you want to install the Add-in.

As you can see, the Add-in has been successfully integrated to Excel.

Install Excel Add-ins

Unblocking an Excel Add-in File

Some users may have trouble accessing the Add-in even after successfully installing it and adding to the Ribbon. This is because Windows might have deemed the file to be a security risk. To unblock a file, follow these steps:

Search for the Excel Add-in file you want to unblock.

Make sure that the Add-in file is located in the Documents folder.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click on the File tab in Excel. Select Options. Go to the Trust Center.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click on Trust Center Settings. Then, Trusted Locations.

Install Excel Add-ins

Go to Add new location. Click on Browse to choose the folder.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click OK.

Tick the Subfolders of this location are also trusted checkbox. Click OK.

Close and reopen Excel.

Install Excel Add-ins

As you can see, Excel has recognized the file without any restriction.

Fortunately, you only have to unblock a file once.

Note: Some Add-ins from less than reputable sites may carry viruses. Do your due diligence and download only from trusted websites.

Removing an Excel Add-in

If you find that you no longer have the need for an Add-in, you can opt to remove it from Excel. To remove an Add-in, follow these steps:

Go to the Home tab.

Click on Add-ins. Then, Get Add-ins.

Install Excel Add-ins


Install Excel Add-ins

From here, you will see a list of your installed Excel Add-ins. Click on the one you want to remove.

Click on the 3 dots on the upper right-hand corner of the Add-in to access the options menu. Click on the Remove button.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click on Remove to confirm.

Install Excel Add-ins

Install Excel Add-ins

Deactivate an Excel Add-in

If you want to temporarily deactivate an Add-in, follow these steps:

Click on the File tab in Excel.

Go to Options, then select Add-ins.

Install Excel Add-ins

Go to Manage Add-ins. From there, locate the Add-in you want to inactivate.

Untick the checkbox to Deactivate the Add-in.

Install Excel Add-ins

Click OK.


There you have it! If you followed all the steps above, you should be able to install and use Excel Add-ins with ease. Hopefully you can use the Add-ins to your advantage in your next Excel project.

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How to Easily Install Excel Add-ins | MyExcelOnline How to Easily Install Excel Add-ins | MyExcelOnline
Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer at

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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