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How to Calculate Square Root of a Negative Number in Excel

John Michaloudis
When working with numbers in Excel, I often encounter scenarios where I need to calculate the square root of a number.
However, if the number happens to be negative, things get a bit tricky.

Excel, by default, doesn't handle square roots of negative numbers directly because they fall into the realm of complex numbers.

Let me walk you through how to Calculate Square Root of a Negative Number.

When working with numbers in Excel, I often encounter scenarios where I need to calculate the square root of a number. However, if the number happens to be negative, things get a bit tricky. Excel, by default, doesn’t handle square roots of negative numbers directly because they fall into the realm of complex numbers. Let me walk you through how to Calculate Square Root of a Negative Number.

Key Takeaways:

  • IMSQRT is the go-to function in Excel for calculating square roots of negative numbers, returning results as complex numbers.
  • The ABS and SQRT combination simplifies square root calculations by handling negatives as positive values.
  • Excel does not support direct square root calculations for negative numbers with the SQRT function, resulting in #NUM! errors.
  • Using IMAGINARY alongside IMSQRT helps isolate the imaginary part of a complex result.
  • Properly structured formulas and error-checking tools ensure accurate calculations when working with challenging datasets.


Demystifying the Wizardry of Excel

The Enigma of Negative Numbers in Square Roots

When I first stumbled upon the challenge of finding the square root of a negative number, it was as confounding as trying to decipher an ancient spell. Typically, the square of any real number, whether positive or negative, results in a positive value.

But what happens when we try to reverse the process and extract a root from a negative figure? That’s where we enter the realm of imaginary numbers.

Excel Magic Explained

In Excel, one might think it’s impossible to calculate the square root of a negative number—the concept defies the arithmetic rules we’ve learned. However, this program is designed to tackle a myriad of mathematical conundrums, including this one.

Excel’s magic lies in its powerful functions and the ability to create custom formulas that delve into complex numbers, which are beyond the scope of regular arithmetic. These functions transform Excel from a mere spreadsheet into a dynamic tool for sophisticated calculations and analyses.

Understanding the Challenge

If I try to calculate the square root of a negative number using Excel’s SQRT function, it returns a #NUM! error. This happens because, mathematically, the square root of a negative number involves imaginary numbers, which Excel doesn’t process natively in its basic functions.

For example: =SQRT(-4)

Square Root of a Negative Number

This will result in #NUM! because the function expects non-negative arguments.

So, how do I resolve this? By using Excel’s support for complex numbers through the IMAGINARY and IMSQRT functions!


Methods to Calculate Square Root of a Negative Number

Using the IMSQRT Function

To handle imaginary numbers in Excel, I use functions specifically designed for complex math. One of these is the IMSQRT function, which calculates the square root of a negative number as a complex number. The IMSQRT function syntax is straightforward:


Follow the steps to Calculate the Square Root of a Negative Number using the IMSQRT function –

STEP 1: Enter the negative number in a cell (e.g., -4 in cell A2).

Square Root of a Negative Number

STEP 2: Select another cell where you want the result to appear.

Square Root of a Negative Number

STEP 3: Type the formula =IMSQRT(A2) in the selected cell. Press Enter to calculate the square root.

Square Root of a Negative Number

View the result, which will display as a complex number (e.g., 0+4i).

STEP 4: If needed, use =IMAGINARY(IMSQRT(A2)) to extract just the imaginary part.

Square Root of a Negative Number

Combining ABS and SQRT for Positive Results

The trick to bypassing Excel’s balk at taking square roots of negative numbers is a combination of the SQRT and ABS functions. The ABS function neatly strips away the negative sign, delivering a positive number ripe for the SQRT function’s taking. The formula =SQRT(ABS(-4)) seamlessly performs this feat, providing me with a positive result.

Square Root of a Negative Number

In case you’re wondering, here’s how it unfolds: ABS turns -4 into 4, and SQRT then takes the square root of 4, handing over the result I seek — the number 2.

This nifty union of ABS and SQRT is like an ace up my sleeve for error-free square root calculations, even when the dataset throws a curveball with negative values.


Practical Sorcery with Real-World Examples

Case Studies: SQRT Function in Action

In my exploration of the SQRT function’s real-world impact, I’ve come across a multitude of case studies that illustrate its profound utility. For instance, real estate developers apply the SQRT function to calculate the minimum length of a diagonal walkway across a property, informing better design and land utilization decisions.

Another compelling scenario involves financial analysts leveraging the SQRT function to determine the standard deviation, a vital component in gauging stock market volatility. These case studies demonstrate how the SQRT function can bring clarity and precision to complex calculations, driving smarter, data-informed strategies across various industries.

From Theory to Practice: Applying Excel Tricks

Moving from theory to practice, applying Excel tricks to everyday tasks can significantly enhance productivity. For example, using the IFERROR function alongside SQRT allows me to neatly sidestep the embarrassment of error messages in my reports, replacing them with alternate values or messages.

Quick keyboard shortcuts, such as pressing ‘Ctrl+Shift+Enter’ to execute array formulas, streamline my workflow, especially when I’m dealing with complex data sets. And let’s not forget the immense time saved by using Excel’s ‘Fill Handle’ to copy formulas across hundreds of cells.

Putting these Excel tricks into practice transforms my spreadsheets from mere tables into dynamic tools that respond intelligently to the data they hold.


Troubleshooting Common SQRT Incantations

Avoiding Miscalculations with Negative Numbers

To walk the tightrope of Excel without falling into the trap of miscalculations with negative numbers, vigilant checks and balanced formulas are key. I always ensure that my inputs are vetted for negatives when they’re supposed to be non-negative, using the ABS function strategically.

Crafting IF statements as safety nets within more complex formulas helps avoid inadvertent slips into the realm of errors. Further, incorporating error-checking functions like ISNUMBER ensures that each step of my calculations builds on a foundation of valid numbers, keeping the entire process on firm ground. This disciplined approach instills confidence that my final results are as accurate as they are reliable.

Tips and Tricks for Accurate Results

Among the myriad of tips and tricks for skewing Excel to yield accurate results, especially when dealing with square roots, here are the ones I hold in high regard:

  • Regularly use the ‘Evaluate Formula’ tool to step through complex formulas, shining a light on each segment of the calculation and ensuring accuracy at every turn.

Square Root of a Negative Number

  • Convert numbers to their absolute values before invoking the SQRT function to bypass any negative value hiccups.

Square Root of a Negative Number

  • Increase the decimal places for precision in results, a small tweak with a significant impact on the accuracy of my calculations.=

Square Root of a Negative Number

  • Use named ranges to make formulas easier to understand, thus reducing the likelihood of errors due to misinterpreted cell references.

Square Root of a Negative Number

  • Last but not least, periodically audit and cross-verify my results with manual calculations or alternative spreadsheet tools to ensure Excel isn’t leading me astray.

By arming myself with these strategies, I navigate the potential perils of complex calculations with the poise of an Excel maestro, confident in the accuracy of my outputs.


FAQ: Excel’s SQRT Function Demystified

What is the SQRT Function?

The SQRT function is an inbuilt tool in Excel that I use to calculate the square root of a specified number. It’s concise and straightforward, requiring just one argument — the number whose square root is needed. Simply put, if I have a number x, its square root is a number y, such that y*y equals x. This function is incredibly useful for a wide range of mathematical and statistical calculations, where understanding the magnitude of quantities is imperative.

Can SQRT Handle Negative Numbers Directly?

No, the SQRT function cannot directly process negative numbers in Excel. If I try to input a negative number into the SQRT function, it will present me with a #NUM! error. This happens because square roots of negative numbers fall into the realm of complex numbers, which have a real and an imaginary part, and the SQRT function is designed solely for non-negative values.

How Do I Find the Square Root of a Negative Number in Excel?

To find the square root of a negative number in Excel, I employ a little ingenuity by first transforming the negative number into a positive with the ABS function and then applying SQRT. The formula looks like this: =SQRT(ABS(A1)). It circumvents Excel’s limitation, allowing me to calculate square roots for negative numbers as a two-step process—make it positive, then take the root.

Are There Any Workarounds for Non-Real Results in Excel?

Yes, there are workarounds for dealing with non-real results, such as the square roots of negative numbers, in Excel. I usually handle these by utilizing the IMAGINARY and COMPLEX functions to represent the square root’s real and imaginary parts. Another method includes using the POWER function to calculate an nth root, where n can be a fraction, to circumvent issues with non-real numbers. Through these methods, Excel can symbolically address the concept of imaginary numbers, even if it cannot directly calculate or display them.

How do you type √ in Excel?

In Excel, I cannot directly type the traditional radical symbol (√), as used for square roots on paper. However, I get around this by using the CHAR function with the code for the square root symbol, which is 251 in the Windows ANSI character set: =CHAR(251). This allows me to insert a square root symbol into a cell’s text. For actual calculations, I use the SQRT function or express the square root using the exponent operator (^) with 0.5 as the exponent.

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer


John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  EXACT Formula in Excel

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