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A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report – Solution

Ever had the scenario wherein you updated your Pivot Table data source, then tried refreshing your Pivot... read more

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A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution | MyExcelOnline A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution | MyExcelOnline

Ever had the scenario wherein you updated your Pivot Table data source, then tried refreshing your Pivot Table, and this error shows up: “A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report.” 

How do we find a solution for a PivotTable report that overlaps another PivotTable report?


A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution

This means that one of your Pivot Tables is trying to expanded horizontally/vertically and will overlap with another Pivot Table.

You can simply select Move PivotTable and you can move your Excel Pivot Table very quickly to make more space!

For our example, we have added 2015 data to our data source, which will cause the first Pivot Table to overlap with the second Pivot Table.

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution

Want to know How To Fix Overlapping Pivot Tables in Excel?

Steps To Fix Overlapping Pivot Tables in Excel

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STEP 1: Let us see the error in action. Right click on any cell in the first Pivot Table. Click Refresh

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution

Excel prohibits us from doing so.

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution

STEP 2: Make sure you have selected your second Pivot Table. Go to PivotTable Tools > Analyze > Actions > Move PivotTable

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution


STEP 3: Select the new location where you want to move it.  You have the options to move the Pivot Table to a New Worksheet or Existing Worksheet.

In our example, we selected cell G5 and click OK.

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution


STEP 4: Right click on any cell in the first Pivot Table. Click Refresh again so we can show the 2015 data in our Pivot Table report:

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution

Voila! You are able to fix the overlapping Pivot Tables!

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution


Further Learning:

A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report – Solution




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A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution | MyExcelOnline A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution | MyExcelOnline
A PivotTable report cannot overlap another PivotTable report - Solution | MyExcelOnline

Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).

He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  2 Quick Ways to Group Time in Excel Pivot Tables

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