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Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

John Michaloudis
What does it do?
Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria | MyExcelOnline Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria | MyExcelOnline

It returns the sum of multiple criteria from the corresponding ranges or arrays.

Formula breakdown:

=SUMPRODUCT((array 1 criteria) * (array2 criteria) * array values)

What it means:

=SUMPRODUCT((find my criteria in this array) * (find my criteria in that array) * return the values from the values array)

The SUMPRODUCT function is my favorite Excel function by a stretch!

You can create some powerful calculations with the EXCEL SUMPRODUCT function by creating a criteria for a selected array.

For example, you can see how much sales your sales rep did in a particular region and for a particular quarter without having to create a Pivot Table.

It takes some practice to get comfortable with Excel SUMPRODUCT multiple criteria function but when you master it, it opens up another Excel world!

Let’s understand how to use this function to sumproduct multiple columns.

Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria | MyExcelOnline

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In our example, we want to get the total sales of John in the North Region in Q1:

Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

STEP 1: We need to enter the SUMPRODUCT Excel function:


Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria


STEP 2: Create the criteria for the Sales Rep “John”:


Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

Create the criteria for the Region “North”:


Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

Create the criteria for the Quarter “1”:


Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

Create the sum array to total the values of the Sales column:


Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

Once your formula is complete, you can see that it magically calculated the sum of the matching values! So, this is how you can use sumproduct with multiple criteria.

Advanced Excel SUMPRODUCT Function: Sum Multiple Criteria

Further Learning:

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Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer at

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

See also  Return the Last Value in a Column with the Offset Function

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