Power Query or Get & Transform (In Excel 2016) lets you perform a series of steps to transform your Excel data.
But what if your data source is not in your Excel spreadsheet?
It’s very common nowadays to get data imported from a company’s accounting or sales system in the XML format. If it’s inside a XML (extensible markup language) file, it’s very easy to import data from xml and right into Power Query!
Let’s suppose you have this set of data from the xml file:
Using Excel 2016 (screenshot below)
Go to Data > New Query > From File > From XML
Using Excel 2013 or Excel 2010
Go to Power Query > From File > From XML
Select the xml file that contains the data. Click Import.
Select the XML Data Source. A preview of the xml data will be shown. If it looks good, press Edit.
STEP 2: This will open up the Power Query Editor. You can now perform your data manipulation here but we will keep the data as is.
Click Close & Load from the Home tab and this will open up a brand new worksheet in your Excel workbook with the imported table.
You now have your new table from the xml file!
Import Data from XML in Excel

Bryan Hong is an IT Software Developer for more than 10 years and has the following certifications: Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD): Web Developer, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS): Windows Applications, Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE) and Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator (MCSA).
He is also an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and a teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office at the MyExecelOnline Academy Online Course.