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Data Cleansing Training – Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel’s Analytical Tools

  VIDEO #2: Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel’s Analytical Tools       In this... read more

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John Michaloudis
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Data Cleansing Training - Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel's Analytical Tools | MyExcelOnline Data Cleansing Training - Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel's Analytical Tools | MyExcelOnline

Video #3:

Coming Soon

Data Cleansing Training - Different Ways to Format Data Using Power Query



Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel’s Analytical Tools




In this training you are going to learn the following:
Intro from John Michaloudis 
03:55 – Proper Function
05:00 – Trim Function
08:55 – Text Function
13:30 – Left Function
15:05 – Right Function
17:00 – Substitute Function
18:55 – Replace Function
20:45 – Convert Text to Numbers – TIP!!!
22:50 – Number Formats
24:00 – Find Blank Cells With Color
25:35 – Remove Duplicates
27:30 – Text to Column – Split Names
28:30 – Flash Fill

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Data Cleansing Training - Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel's Analytical Tools | MyExcelOnline Data Cleansing Training - Clean & Extract Data Using Formulas & Excel's Analytical Tools | MyExcelOnline
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John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship MyExcelOnline Academy Online Course.

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