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Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value

A great way to highlight values within your data set, Excel Table or Pivot Table is to... read more

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John Michaloudis
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Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value | MyExcelOnline

A great way to highlight values within your data set, Excel Table or Pivot Table is to use Conditional Formatting rules.

Formatting cells that contain a specific criteria, for example,Ā greater than XĀ orĀ less than X, is a good way to visualize your results.

When your criteria references a cell, then you can make this conditional format interactive.Ā  So as you manually change the referenced cellĀ“s value, the conditional format gets updated and you can see the live results, as shown below….

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value | MyExcelOnline

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STEP 1:Ā SelectĀ a cell in your Pivot Table.

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value


STEP 2:Ā Go toĀ Home > Conditional Formatting > New Rule

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value


STEP 3:Ā SetĀ Apply RuleĀ to the third option: All cells showing “Sum of SALES” values for “MONTH” and “YEAR”

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value


STEP 4:Ā SelectĀ a rule type:Ā Format Only Cells That Contain

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value


STEP 5:Ā Edit the Rule Description. Go toĀ Cell Value > Greater Than > Select The Cell

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value


STEP 6:Ā Select the cell format. ClickĀ FormatĀ and select aĀ color.Ā ClickĀ OK.

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value

Try it out now! The highlight now happens dynamically when you update the value.

Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value



Adding Data Labels To An Excel Chart

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Conditional Format a CellĀ“s Value | MyExcelOnline
Founder & Chief Inspirational Officer at

John Michaloudis is a former accountant and finance analyst at General Electric, a Microsoft MVP since 2020, an Amazon #1 bestselling author of 4 Microsoft Excel books and teacher of Microsoft Excel & Office over at his flagship Academy Online Course.

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